Shaking Things Up – Help Needed!

Here at Rainbow Cakes and Rocky Road, I’m thinking about a bit of a change around. I’d like to change my blog name. I feel that Rainbow Cakes and Rocky Road, whilst distinctive, points towards my blog being about baking, which it most definitely isn’t. Both my Twitter and Instagram accounts are under Books,Tea and a Onesie, and I feel that that name represents my blog more accurately. However, I want to include the music part of my blog in that, whilst keeping the whole idea of ‘Books, Tea, and a Onesie’. What are your opinions on ‘Books, Tea, A Onesie And An iPod’? I also like ‘An Overthinking iPod’, but think that focuses too much on music.

In other bloggy news, I just realised my blog recently passed its six month blog-o-versary. Yay! On the 16th September I had officially had my blog for six months, and I can’t believe it’s been that long. Looking back at some of my old posts, it feels like only yesterday that I wrote them. Take a look back through the archives, and see if you remember any!

Big thanks to everyone who’s got my blog up to 121 followers (it says 203 under email subscription on my sidebar – anybody know how that’s calculated?), and let me know what you think about the name change!

An Overthinking Teenager

4 thoughts on “Shaking Things Up – Help Needed!

  1. Appletaile says:


    I think it’s better to keep your name in a ‘three’, so if you don’t want to get rid of the books/tea/onesie element then maybe you could put the music element in the tagline? (Is that what it’s called? You know, that little extra but of writing under the title?)

    I changed my blog name SO many times. SO MANY. And it’s not really related to my blog, but hey. I’ve stuck with this one!


    • An Overthinking Teenager says:

      Thanks! I actually realised from reading wordsweheart’s blogoversary post, which made me curious to see when mine was!
      Yeah, I wasn’t sure about the ‘three’ thing, and thought about the tagline, but like my current one! I might use books, , tea,a onesie and and iPod as a temporary basis, until something else comes along. That way I can see how it fits and if I want to keep it permanently! I love your blog name-something randomly awesome! Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂


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