Oh Hi There, Switzerland

So after a 20-hour journey to Montreux,  we have been here for 1-and-a-half days! Thursday afternoon, we rehearsed,  then used a funicular train to get to a couple of beaautiful viewpoints. Yesterday,  we visited the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research). We ate lunch at the Cern cafeteria (pizza and cream and chocolate tart with m and ms. Perfection. ) before going to an awesome outdoor swimming pool in Geneva. We then went onto our first foreign gig, also in Geneva, and had just ran back from buying food when a random thunderstorm started and continued for the best part of an hour. The gig was great (although the entire orchestra came in 12 bars early during a solo section,  and I think the organisers took the packet of crisps I bought and accidently put them with the free food they gave us!). Today, we play at the Montreux Jazz Festival (!) and then have the evening to soak up the atmosphere. Awesome! We also visit the ‘Freddie Mercury Studio Experience’, which should be interesting…
Have you been to Switzerland before?
An Overthinking Teenager

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