Who Am I?



Hey! I’m bad about talking about myself (hands up who else has a deadly fear of classic ‘think of three interesting facts about yourself’ icebreaker?) but I’ll try and bullet point the important-ish bits…

  • I’ve just turned 18
  • I play a mixture of classical and jazz trumpet and love music in most forms, including playing, Spotify and live music (just not theory!)
  • I’ve just finished the International Baccalaureate, which kinda stopped me from blogging for the last two years
  • I’m renowned for my incredible indecision and my incredible sarcasm
  • I have an unhealthy (in every sense of the word) love of Mini Eggs, dark chocolate and raspberries

I hope you enjoy reading my blog – feel free to have a poke around and say hello!

If you want to hear more from me, check out my Instagram {@mixomuseblog}, Facebook or my Twitter {@mixomuseblog}. Do let me know if you’re on Instagram or Twitter, so I can come say hi and do a bit of gentle internet stalking (just kidding) (honest) (no seriously, please believe me)! You can also find me on Bloglovin’ – personal account here and blog account here.


82 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. Meghna says:

    “I’ve started this blog because when I’m older I either want to be a journalist, a radio/TV presenter, a teacher or an astrophysicist (I’m all about the normal combos, I am)” that is so relatable omg. There are so many things that I’m interested in (business, chemistry, international relations, journalism) but when I put them together I basicaly get a superspy that makes atomic bombs, gets the money to make atomic bombs from their multi-million dollar business and writes about making atomic bombs in their spare time. Now I totally know what I want to do in college!

    That being said, I absolutely love your blog! I love how everything you write is so witty and unique, but I’m especially a fan of the eye-catching background. Just followed, and looking forward to reading more posts!


  2. nicolesundays says:

    You’re only 14? I wish I thought interesting thoughts like you do when I was 14. Actually, I wish I thought, period. (:
    (That makes me sound ancient; I’m actually 17)
    Great blog and cute design!


  3. sabrinawolfheart says:

    Ah hello there! I just found your blog and it looks amazing. 😀 I love your little graphics. I play the clarinet, which is similar to the sax (if you play clarinet you can usually play sax), and I too am an overthinking teenager. 🙂


  4. hannwells says:

    to be completely honest I’m actually interested in astrophysics too haha! I love astronomy and physics and so together it’s like woah man haha 🙂


  5. Kate Pankratz says:

    Hello, I’m glad I came across your writings – very thoughtful. 🙂 You remind me of myself when I was your age. You sound like a determined person who knows how to set and achieve goals, I’m certain you will work hard and do well at whatever profession you choose. Keep writing, thinking, and asking questions!


    • An Overthinking Teenager says:

      Thank you so much, I’m glad you came across them too! How did you get here, out of interest? (The blog that is, not life in general!) I certainly do try to achieve my goals, at least whenever books and the Internet don’t get in the way, and I don’t think my brain will let me stop with the questions any time soon! Thanks again for taking the time to comment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kate Pankratz says:

        Your welcome! I was browsing the poetry category in my reader. Books and the Internet can certainly become a big distraction. Sometimes you just have turn the internet off and ask your best friend to hide the books for awhile. 😉


  6. Becky (Blogs of a Bookaholic) says:

    Good luck with all your dreams for the future, they sound AWESOME. How on earth will you choose? So much fun to be has in this wide world. 🙂 Love your tagline about being an overthinker as well, that’s definitely a word I could apply to myself. Personally, I think it’s a great trait. 😉


    • An Overthinking Teenager says:

      Haha, a lot of people tell me being an overthinker isn’t all bad! 🙂 Not so great when questioning what makes an equation that equation in physics or maths though…
      I have no clue how I’m going to pick between careers, I guess I’ll just wait and see how life pans out…thanks for stopping by and commenting, overthinkers unite! 🙂


  7. Just a Thought says:

    Liking the new header! How did you make it? (Though my editing/tech/creative abilities are pretty thin on the ground to be honest xD)
    Anna x


  8. Ruby says:

    Who created maths? I’ve wondered that. For a midnight specialty of mine… And who decided to name colors? Usually people named things after their description, but how did they describe colors before they had names? Love your blog, by the way. 🙂


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