A Quick (Shameless) Plug


I should be getting a Tracklisting Tuesday post up later, but first I just wanted to reiterate the fact that BLOG OLYMPICS IS NEARLY HERE! We are nearly at 50 signups, and would love love love for you to get involved – it should be a brilliant way to meet new bloggers and win awesome prizes! We have prizes from Rainbow Rowell, Cathy Cassidy, Chicken House Books, Fia Essen, RJ Palacio (author of one of my favourite books ever, Wonder), Sally Green, Katie McGarry and fellow blogger Rektok Ross! Yay! Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, sign up here. I WILL LOVE (platonically) YOU FOREVER! Any promotion would also be appreciated, on WordPress, Twitter, Instagram, any other social media, among friends…all publicity is good publicity! (I think)

See you next Wednesday!


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